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abastardize (Englisch)[Bearbeiten]


Zeitform Person Wortform
simple present I, you, they abastardize
he, she, it abastardizes
simple past   abastardized
present participle   abastardizing
past participle   abastardized


abastardize, Partizip Perfekt: abastardized, Partizip Präsens: abastardiz·ing


IPA: []


[1] veraltet: für nicht legitim oder geringwertig erklären


[1] "As if we had no other touch of truth
And reason, then the nations of the times,
And place wherein we liue; and being our felues
Corrupted, and abastardized thus,
Thinke all lookes ill, that doth not looke like us.
And therefore let us recollect our felues
Dispers'd into these strange confused ills,
And be againe Arcadians, as we were
In manners, and in habits as we were;
And so solemnize this out happie day
Of restauration, with other feasts of ioy." Samuel Daniel - Queen's Arcadia[1]


[1] Thomas Wright: Dictionary of obsolete and provincial English. Volume I: A–F, London 1857, Seite 3 (Google Books).


  1. Alexander Balloch Grosart: The complete works in verse and prose of Samuel Daniel (1885). 1. Auflage. Privatdruck, Blackburn 1885, Seite 300